painting chrome??

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Feb 24, 2007
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missouri - usa
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i have a black chrome frame that is too "boogered up" to leave the way it is. im about halfway through sanding it w/ 320 grit. the goal is to scratch it up just enough so that primer will stick to it. so far the areas ive sanded have fine scratches all over that are visible to the naked eye, but the frame is still very smooth to the touch. here's my question, is it scratched enough to be ready for primer?? or do i need some griter sand paper to make sure it feels scratched to the touch?
thanx, fast eddie outty
i usually use 100 grit for bare metal, i think 320 would be fine though. if your rattle canning id use rustoleum primer or krylon rust tough (something thats intended to prime unpainted surfaces). thats just what id do anyway, good luck :wink:
When painting chrome, after sanding and before primer I spray a thin coat of Adhesion Promoter. I use Bulldog brand, I belive it's easiest to find at auto parts store. Spray it on really thin so it doesnt run. A can will last a long time. :wink:

hmmm, ive never even heard of that product! good info! can i use self etching primer on top of the adhesion promoter?
thanx for the info guys i really appreciate it,
fast eddie outty
I don't see why not , but as always read the directions good just in case . I would think as long as the adhesion product was dried throughly there would be no problem. You could always do a sample om an old piece of scrap chrome.(you know the other half of the fenders we have all chopped,etc) 8)
a test subject is a good idea, but i dont have any scrap peices of black chrome, i wonder if regular chrome would behave the same.
fast eddie outty

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