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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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Sounds like a good build off bike name huh? :lol:

It's funny, several years ago when I was fresh into the hobby of collecting and restoring vintage bikes I bought the first bike that I really put a lot of time and effort into cleaning up. It was a Coppertone Schwinn Collegiate and I essentially went over the entire bike with a fine tooth comb.

That all took place during the Fall here in Texas when the temps finally start cooling down and you can just smell Autumn in the air.

Ever since that time, I always feel like I should be out in the garage tinkering around with a candy colored Schwinn 3 speed touring bike every time the weather changes. It's the craziest thing, to walk out in your garage, feel the cool temps and immediately think of a certain obviously had an impact on me.

Anyone else have a strange connection like this between a particular bike and the season of the year?

Yes! but missed the point the first post :oops:
The cooler temps make me want to ride through leaf piles and get ready to build a clunker

Really like that Copper Tone Schwinn! It's a beauty!
Such a nice Coppertone.....too bad I don't have one anymore.

Mine has more do with "Old Reliable". I built my Xtracycle up 5 years ago and it became my everything. Hauled kids, bike tours, bike hauler,etc....... I disassmebled it this last summer thinking of trying a different cargo frame. I did not like the new longtail(Sun Atlas) but I have not gotten around to rebuilding my Xtracycle back up. Weekly there is a need or two for it but I am without. I am going to start the rebuild in the next week, so I don't have these feelings any more. :mrgreen:
I know the conditioned response, with this cooler dense air I always want to be driving a turbo car right now, but it ain't happening.

This time of year makes me want to build tall bikes since that's what I'm normally doing in preparation for the Christmas parade. In fact I walked outside 30 minutes ago to walk over to school and pick up my son and all I was thinking about was making some repairs on the taller one. I need to act quickly, I have shoulder surgery on the 17th, will be in a sling for 3 weeks after that, the parade is December 2nd and I will be half way through my physical therapy... hmm... :?
Boy I have used steel wool ...a brass brush...gobs of aluminum polish , but I never
even thought about a fine toothed comb. Does it work very well? :shock: :shock: :shock:
During this time of year I like to hit the rail trails to see the colors of the coverage. Beautiful riding weather and a great time for photos!
I had that just this morning actually.
A hot dry day, with a slight breeze
so hot that when you breath in your lungs feel warm.

Takes me right back to a West Australian summer and riding my Giant mtb.
The smell of melting bike paths and the cool relief in the air when you get near the river.
Don't get many days like that here on the east coast.

But when I felt it this morning,
I wanted to jump off my motorbike, skip work and spend the day with old clanky
That Collegiate is sharp. I have one it's non-Deluxe siblings, in Kool Lemon:


I too have a fine tooth comb (for my beard), so I've thoroughly gone through it. What I'd like to know is what is the pump that you've got on yours? Is it a period accessory, or is it something that's made more recently? BTW - this photo is what I'd have submitted for the photo contest if it wasn't a rat-specific competition...
About once a month I have a Saturday that is ALL MINE! I automatically wake about 5:00 AM (no matter how long I have slept). So after I have showered, dressed, and get out to my car port, the sun stiill hasnt come up yet. It is a little light out with cooler temps, still air, and quiet! My conditioned response? I need some Menudo for breakfast before I get busy! So off I pedal to the Carneceria for a quart of Menudo! I sit at my workbench in my carport, turn on thr radio and have some Menudo as the sun is rising before I do anything else! :mrgreen:

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