Why not join the jersey Devils for the Fall Philly Cheesesteak and Pub Ride on Sunday, November 10th. We'll meet at the Liberty Bell around noonish and the ride will start at 12:30 We'll cruise by Via Bikes and wave, then cruise down South Street, then off to Pats for a cheesesteak, Ray's Happy Birthday Bar,uptown to Rittenhouse Square, Bob and Barbara's if time permits, back to the Professor's Bizarre Bazaar and finally Tatooed Mom's on South Street .
If you're going to the Bike Expo at the convention Center on Sunday, why not join us? If not, Why not join us anyway? See you there! 8)
If you're going to the Bike Expo at the convention Center on Sunday, why not join us? If not, Why not join us anyway? See you there! 8)