so, I sold the Phat chopper, and priced to ship to Washington. Online price with a guesstimate of 30 pounds was 20 dollars. Wow. Cheap. So I get paid, and boxit up, took to the post office. First problem is the snotty gal tells me im oversize,"go to UPS" she says. I said"measure it again". She did, and it was STILL oversize. Now this is the SAME box that it came in, from florida, for 23 dollars. I grab the tapefrom this girl, and measure 43 1/2 " x 24x8. She says that the box is longer at the bottom. So I measure the bottom, and get exctly 44. She grabs the tape, and remeasures, and then says"OK, Ill let it go". She tallys it up, and comes up with 35.25!!. And THAT didnt include delivery Confirmation. GRRRR. Meanwhile, most postmasters try to sell ya all the extra's, she never even mentioned DC. So I made her redo the sale ,and I paid for the delivery Conf..So my question is...WHY is there a differece between the online and in PO prices.Oh,it weighed just under 30 pounds. Ill never do that again. Ill get the money for the bike first, and get actual shipping cost after its mailed. Can ya tell i am a bit miffed?