powder coat questions...

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Feb 24, 2007
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missouri - usa
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the the bearing cups need to be removed before sending a frame to powder coat? if so, is there any work needed to sand out powder coating from inside the tubes when re-installing the bearing cups? do powdercoaters do the prep work on a frame? even if i strip it it will start to rust overnight without some treatment. how much have any of you paid to have a 26" cantilever cruiser frame powder coated? any top coats or clear coats needed? any advice would be appreciated.
fast eddie outty
unless you want them to flake if you ever need to remove them then yes take them out....
as for sanding to fit them in again powdercoat is thick and you probably would need to take it out before reinstalling them....
as for prep work by the powdercoaters i would say it depends on the shop and price.id do it myself to know it was done right...
wear rubber gloves when you sand the frame and dont touch it with out them(or itll get oils from your skin and start to rust...not noticeable but it will over time) you can use ppgs metal prep to etch it and stop any rust from forming(kinda pricey and you have to use it EXACTLY as the instructions(go to ppgs web site or search my posts for the p-sheets*instructions*) say or ill flash rust as soon as youre done!
no idea about price or if theyd need to be cleared......
however...i painted my wifes bike at my last job for about $45 worth of materials(glaze,primmer,sand paper,sealer,toners, and clear)i dont know what a body shop would charge for a bike though or if any would even do it.(but you could probably find a painter or painters helper thatd take a quick side job for some cash!)
when ive powdercoated frames i have taken out the bearing cups and painted them. I had to sand both the cups and where they go in the frame to get a good fit. i do my own powdercoating and i prebake my frames to get all of the oil, grease, and impurities out of the metal then spray it with brake cleaner to remove all of stuff that has baked out of it.
Qwestrock said:
On a side, related question, how much should I expect to pay to have a frame powdercoated?

I think I've paid $40 - $50 for a frame. $10 - $20 for other parts i.e. fork, chainguard. This includes all prep work too.