Just recieved my bike from Gotavan. Its a prewar roadmaster I think . I have several frames and one built so far. This one was kinda special because I love the frame shape and this one being prewar is differant than the others I already have. It has the welded seat post clamp and the small bar that holds the top of the back fender is a straight solid rod. The slope in the bottom bracket is differant. A little more curved when it comes out of the crank houseing instead of straight. I'm kinda in the camping mode right now so there are no real plans for a build , but you never know I can build a pretty good bike in about 3 days so maybe sometime around the 29th of July I could name this thing and do my buildoff bike. Hummm got those lobdell wheels...that behive springer...and a few other parts...Yeah I could probably come up with something. This is right out of the box so They never look like much ,but Thatismytruck is getting antsy. :roll: :wink: