Hello everyone, wish you guys happy new year!
Another year of working on this project
I am paying it my time and attention, but unfortunately it doesn't go all that fast. And the fact there are problems appearing along the way doesn't help 
First thing is i've put the rear wheel properly and again after fighting a bit with Nuvinci shifting interface made it work.
What has gone wrong: the shifting was a bit too stiff, i am not sure why, and during the test drive the shifter snapped off. I did not yet check how bad the damage is, hope it is not beyond repair. Possible reasons for that are cold weather outside or funny cable guidance.
The front wheel is also installed and seems to work fine. I didn't re-solder the left braking lever yet, but i hope i am smart enough not to engage the front brake alone while the engine is active.
I've added a mirror and swapped the grips for another temporary option for some comfort.
And then surprise! My display started to act weird. It does not show the battery level and speed. The battery itself shows the charge is full and the speed sensor works fine. How do i know it? During the test ride it suddenly activated and acted normally for a few minutes, and then froze again, showing the speed different then zero but not updating it. The bike is fully functional despite this issue, but i have to fix it somehow. Reading forums i've found a few more people had this or similar issue, usually it means some wire connection is not stable. Not too nice :/
Another sad piece of news, on the way back home i've torn my persons seat a little. I am not used to the size of that thing, and the seat happened to be exactly on the level of the door lock, so when i was guiding the bike to the yard i've damaged it. It was not perfect anyway, but good enough for me not to have to reupholster it. Now it seems to not be an oprion any more, so i'd have to fix it.
Then come the rims. I got them to the local powdercoating shop recently, asking them to make a red metallic finish. I've already had a bike and a few things done by the guys and i trust them. Though the quality is really okay, i am unhappy with the color :/ Paid them 60 bucks, not too cheap for a pair of rims in my area. Now i'd have to overpaint them probably, since removing powder could thinner the aluminium of the rim. So more money to spend. I wanted it to me more candy paint looking, like the previous bike they've done for me, and it looks more like a toy now. I know it is completely my fault that i didn't make sure they do it exactly the color i want, so no claims to the guys at the service, they've done their job well.
I also bought a pair of Electra grips recently that i may want to use with the build. It is also not exactly the color i saw on the photo, but at least way closer, so i may end up using them or may not.
These are the news for now, seems i am not going to finish assembly and tests as soon as i wanted to. I now have a few issues to go through and some more money to spend to fix them. But i keep going and i still hope the bike will be ready for the spring season