Question about powder coats

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Nov 26, 2007
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Cincinnati, Ohio
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I'm getting ready to paint my new monark springers. Can I just lightly sand the black powder coat and use it as a primer, or will enamel just flake and peel off later on? Will paint stripper work on powder coats?
i have no idea about scuffing and painting over powder coat........but 80 grit paper and alot of sanding will bring them to raw steel and you know your paint will stick
You should be able to paint over the powder coat, at a place I worked at we would clear coat powdercoated frames all the time. So, I assume you could paint it just fine...
yes you can paint over powdercoat but scuf itwith a fine sandpaper like 220 or 320 grit also a red scotch brite scuff pad will work also avalibale at auto or hardware store make sure that the part is dirt and greese free good luck
I used a rattle can to paint over a powdercoated monark front end a few months ago, and I've been riding on it ever since, no problems whatsoever. Just scuff it with intermediate (120 grit or so) sandpaper.

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