What brake pads are best for alloy rims? I have a few different sets including the old standard rubber ones but I still want more braking action. Is there a certain kind of material that works better on alloy or aluminum?

If that is the case then I would use the newest rubber/compound brakes I could find. For my exgf I would used the freshest brakes pads I could find. I knew that she was not a going too fast on the bike. I used the Jagwires because most of the bike racers in my area use them and they were always bragging about them. If your having braking issues on your bike there is two things you can do 1) is lightly sand your brake pads 2) re adjust your brakes so that the sit closer to the rims. But looking at the photo of your brakes they seem to be well adjusted. Are your rims true? Did you polish the rims? If you polish them did you polish the whole rim? One question the front fork shows side pull brakes? Yet I see that the fork has braze ons for other types of brakes did you replace those for the side pulls? Sorry for so many questions.I may not be able to get those name brand pads over here. Is there a certain compound that's better than others?