Raleigh Teton.......CHROME.

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Apr 3, 2009
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO.
Went to look at a 60's Schwinn (fellow RRB member) yesterday looking to treat myself for fathers day. Liked the Schwinn, but didn't want to give his price. Asked him what else he had. Said he just picked up a cool Mountain bike. Said I had NO interest in MB's. No......., you ought to look at it, he said. So I did. And I love it!! It's a little intimidating, it's so big. I need a step ladder to get on it. :) Raleigh Teton Mountain Tour. Like new in condition. Built sometime between 1985 and 89. I think it's an 89. Amazing.......
Anyone know anything about this line of bikes?






julesjunk said:
:) Raleigh Teton Mountain Tour. Like new in condition. Built sometime between 1985 and 89. I think it's an 89. Amazing.......
Anyone know anything about this line of bikes?

:shock: I know that it's SCHWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!! :!: :wink:
thatismytruck said:
Oh My. It's beautiful. Being a rather tall guy, I'm a sucker for large frame bikes.

I have a friend who's always on the lookout for tall bikes. Especially MB's. He's 6' - 7". Needless to say, even this bike wasn't tall enough for him, without an extra tall seat post. It would be a drag to be that tall, and have a love for bikes......
It looks like Raleigh's answer to the Schwinn Sierra, Though that one is much nicer! I love the bullmoose bars on that, just like my 10-speed. 8)


I found one at a garage sale one time in my neighborhood.....exact same model...and it was tall too!

My guess is early 80s....probably an 83 or 84 model.

Has some nice ARAYA like wheels and the bull moose bars are cool too.
would be good in a competition too because everyone else riding would get blinded and fall off their bikes :)
deorman said:
I hope he swapped you something good, 'cause that was a great bike!
I swapped for another MB (destined for CL) and some construction materials. He definitely got the better deal, but he's a good friend, and I've not seen him this excited in a long time. Chances are, I'll get it back in the end....
I owned this bike in Las Vegas circa 1983-84. I had parked my new RX7 for a year and rode this beauty exclusively. It's a great bike. Built like a tank and very dependable. I then moved to Bellingham WA where it was stolen in '86. Day after college let out. Don't suspect I'll ever hear from it again. But I really liked that bike. You wouldn't go wrong to buy it.
Went to look at a 60's Schwinn (fellow RRB member) yesterday looking to treat myself for fathers day. Liked the Schwinn, but didn't want to give his price. Asked him what else he had. Said he just picked up a cool Mountain bike. Said I had NO interest in MB's. No......., you ought to look at it, he said. So I did. And I love it!! It's a little intimidating, it's so big. I need a step ladder to get on it. :) Raleigh Teton Mountain Tour. Like new in condition. Built sometime between 1985 and 89. I think it's an 89. Amazing.......
Anyone know anything about this line of bikes?






OMG, my older brother had one and I took it from him because he never rode it, I was always a bigger kid and never fit on a 20in bike.
Never knew how fun a bike could be until that bike. I was like 30 years old and finally understood why BMX'ers did what they did. Finally found something I fit on ( by then I was 6'4" 245lbs ) and in control with no of going over the handlebars just by pedaling. I found out just have fun trail riding was, even though it cost me a few broken fingers maybe the loss of a fingernail or two from getting too close to the trees but I never could stop smiling while riding it. And look at it what a great looking bike with those Bull moose handlebars and all that Chrome, awesome.
Made the mistake of leaving it on a friends front porch while I was visiting after saying my good night's and preparing to leave I walked out to the porch and no bike somebody had stolen it. When I saw this post it all came flooding back and I had to say something, funnest bike I ever rode and fit on. Man that frame was huge. Right now I'm working on a 1995 Cannondale KillerV 500, turning it into sort of a mountain bike slash bmxer

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