bought this huffy at the indy swap meet last week. it was covered in house paint so i used the old oven cleaner trick and uncovered the original red on the fenders and carrier. i flat blacked the frame, cleaned the truss rods, and the head tag. i threw on a set of the kenda flame tires on a off brand of wheels i had laying around. i still need to put on pedals, i put the ones off of the bike in my carb cleaner can to get off the paint and it pretty much melted the blocks! learned a lesson there! the bike rides very good. it is probably one of my favorites with the old and the new. should have taken a before pic. hey rusty513, if your out there, would you reply with a pic of this if you still have it? it was nice to meet you too. hope to catch your ride in the spring in cincy! may even bring this one!