Rat Ray

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Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
DFW Area Texas
Rating - 0%
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Garage sale find today.

I have not located the SN yet. It must be on a dropout under the sissy bar. I'll have to take it apart to find it I guess.

I'm thinking of repacking all of the moving parts and keeping the rust. What do you think? Lots of paint color to choose from :D




That is one tight little rig..! I absolutely love all of the colors for some reason... makes me think of an old junker car with each part being a different color, from replacement over the years... I'd give it a good mechanical go through and not change a thing, except maybe put a brake on that post (Schwinn approved, of course :wink:). Maybe I'd change the grips depending on how the current set looks and feels up close... Nice find!
Reminds me of childhood..we all had Stingrays.....the handle bars look like they came off a period huffy motocross bike...The good old days ..I wish I could go bake in time... :wink: :lol:
Thanks for the comments folks. The bars are pretty rough, lots of rust, but fit in with the rest of the bike. The grips are in pretty good shape surprisingly, but are hardened up. The front axle is so loose, I'm afraid it may be worn past saving. The single red band Bendex coaster works, but like all other moving parts is very stiff.

My original thought is to go with unchaineds idea. But, I don't yet have a flat black, red rimmed bike, so that may be it's new fate. I have a couple of small apes that are in good shape, as well as some bmx bars.

Any and all ideas will be considered, thanks to all.
With the exception of the seat, I'd almost guess that this was a late model Country Time Lemonade Sting-Ray repop because of the forks.

Maybe some of the Sting-Ray gurus like Jeremy or Rob can chime in.
The bike is completely apart now, thanks to PB Blaster, guaranteed for life wrenches, and a BFH. :D

The stem has ASHTABULA molded into each side. The handle bar is loose, but not out of the stem yet. I took the bolt out of the stem, and I suppose that the stem spreads apart enough to let the bar out? I've never taken one of these apart before. It s a bmx style handlebar with the cross bar, so it can't just slide out of the stem. Any insight appreciated.

The original color layer is yellow, and I still have not found a serial number anywhere on the frame yet. The head badge is gone.
I ran into that a few times at a time when I was going through a lot of trash bikes, usually you don't have to pry very far to slide the crossbar through the slot. I'd be inclined to toss the whole stem/handlebar setup together into the parts bin. If it wasn't branded quality it would be the junk pile.

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