I'm new around here and maybe I missed this, but has there ever been any thought about having a catagory that is only bike information? Members could scan ads, articles and what I feel would be great, vintage bike repair manuals. I know that Schwinn dealers had shop manuals and bulletins that now cary a hefty price and are unavailable for many of us in the hobby.
The catagory could be set up so that the info is entered, but replies are not allowed so that the data base would be easy to sort through. I'm sure that many of the members have cool old ads or obscure bike info that we could all use for builds and entertainment. It would be a blast scouring the internet for the bits and pieces that we could use. Just a thought. Cheers
The catagory could be set up so that the info is entered, but replies are not allowed so that the data base would be easy to sort through. I'm sure that many of the members have cool old ads or obscure bike info that we could all use for builds and entertainment. It would be a blast scouring the internet for the bits and pieces that we could use. Just a thought. Cheers