Here's a few pics of my trike. I stretched the frame 12 inches. Relocated the seat post. Cleaned everything up and painted it a rust color.
I still need to paint a few things and get the handlebars figured out. I think that I'm gonna make a set of pull-back risers (I program CNC machines). To sit comfortably, I'll need to pull them back 9" and up 3". I also want to make a wooden box, to go across the back axle, that I can put a cooler in.
Anyone know where I can find an old school stick shifter? I'd like to take advantage of the fact that this thing is a 3 speed...
Thanks for looking.
Here's a before pic.
I still need to paint a few things and get the handlebars figured out. I think that I'm gonna make a set of pull-back risers (I program CNC machines). To sit comfortably, I'll need to pull them back 9" and up 3". I also want to make a wooden box, to go across the back axle, that I can put a cooler in.
Anyone know where I can find an old school stick shifter? I'd like to take advantage of the fact that this thing is a 3 speed...
Thanks for looking.
Here's a before pic.