There is a way based on tempering of the steel. Since doing it at home is not finely controled and the grade of steel used for the spring is unknown the outcome is unsure so I would recomend incremental trial and error.
Put the spring in a preheated oven, say start at 150 degrees Centigrade for 15 mins, take out and let it cool naturaly in the air. Check the spring tension and compare it to measured tension before treatment.
If no or little change then repeat for 30 mins. Again if no change repeat increasing the oven temperature to 180 degrees centigrade. You should get the idea. Remember that the chrome plate will start to tarnish as the temperature increases, at first this can be polished out but at some point depending on the quality of the chrome you may have permenantly tarnished finish. This is unusual in my experience at temps below 200 degrees C.
If you go to far the steel may become anealed and will be useless as a spring so be careful!!