Regional Value?

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Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
UPPER LAKE C.A. est 1854
I just thought its pretty interesting how some types of bikes have more value than others as far as the terrain where you live or economics, as far as my area there are alot of scenic areas around the lake and alot of mountain trails. The majority of bikes I see in this area are mountain bikes and mostly lower end stuff just to get around. As far as road bikes I come across them quite a bit for nearly nothing most of the time.But they do have some serious rides in the area and I see alot of these guys peddling up these hills my work truck is straining to do 35 the thing that scares me is no actual bike path. Bmx bikes seem to be very popular still around here they have at least a couple of tracks in the area.So whats of value in your area?
lots of roadies an mtb, around the seattle area

Outlaw :mrgreen:
The Dallas area pretty much covers all of the bases...even though there's not much scenery around here.

Our CL just about fills up an entire page in the bike section each day....very active.

I'm guessing that is probably the norm though in most larger cities.

We're pretty heavy on the MTB & Road bike categories.

The fact that there are several large colleges in the area really increases the need for bikes too.

You can pretty much get top dollar for just about any style of bike in this market.
There are quite a few fancy fella's in the pretty spandex around here all the time, being that we are a river town, I guess they find it tranquil. Other wise, Wal-Mart bikes,and over priced Schwinns. One thing I have been noticing though is the amount of folks in their twilight years biking around town as of late. I have been trying to catch this older fella in a homemade 4 wheel bike, but he rides like the wind, and I can't keep up to take a gander of it. Thing has headlights, tail-lights turn signals and everything. I even saw him leaving a car stereo place over in the next town, but I was on my way to work so I could not stalk him propper.
Buck Masterson said:
There are quite a few fancy fella's in the pretty spandex around here all the time, being that we are a river town, I guess they find it tranquil. Other wise, Wal-Mart bikes,and over priced Schwinns. One thing I have been noticing though is the amount of folks in their twilight years biking around town as of late. I have been trying to catch this older fella in a homemade 4 wheel bike, but he rides like the wind, and I can't keep up to take a gander of it. Thing has headlights, tail-lights turn signals and everything. I even saw him leaving a car stereo place over in the next town, but I was on my way to work so I could not stalk him propper.
I love the fact that you are using propper stalker edicate. :lol:
Road bikes and MTBs.....Lots of MTBs.......Hybrids on the rise though.
Big hit, jump park and down hill MTB's are all the rage here. It gotten so it's not uncommon to see people commuting on down hill rigs, wearing their full face helmets and body armour :roll:

Been amazed at some of the prices Steve's bikes have fetched off the Dalla CL. Here in San Diego, bikes don't hold the value much even with several large colleges and a very large biking scene, maybe too much oversupply might be the problem. CL here is mostly road bikes being dumped, lately the fixies have really started showing up, looks like the fad is pretty much over. Funny thing on the CL is the track bike guys(we have a velodrome) and fixie hipsters flaming each other on CL over claimed track qualities of bikes being sold. Cruisers of decent vintage can easily be gotten for much less than ebay, even desirable bmx vintage stuff can be had for much less. Cheapo mtbs are virtually being given away. High end bikes hold some value but even those are at a serious discount.

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