Removing split clip kickstand?

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Oct 4, 2007
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Clarksville, TN
Rating - 0%
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Hey everyone,

I've got my frame COMPLETELY torn down, except for the kickstand, eith the right tools, it's been really easy so far. I took the frame to a local bike shop o see what tool I needed to remove the BB, and asked them about the kickstand. The guy working was kind of rude (telling my the frame was not a Huffy, but instead a Columbia, even though it is stamped Huffy, etc) and said that the kickstand was easy, just pull the pin out. I asked if I need to remove the split clip thingy (one side pops up slightly when moving the stand, I think it provides pressure to keep it locked up and down), and he said, "I Don't Know, just pull the pin, they are easy"....

You guys know what I need to do? I can provide a picture if needed. I've searched around, but can only find stuff on Schwinn's, which have a different setup, i believe.

I know what ya need to do...

DONT GO BACK TO THAT BIKESHOP...(and bad mouth them to anybody that will listen)

Sorry I cant help ya out without a pic but storys of ignorant store owners/workers like that make me rant.
Thanks man, I'll try to get pictures tonight.

Unfortunately, I've been 2 3 bike shops around here, the one that's like 2 miles from my house, one of the guys only wants to sell my a new bike everytime, saying old bikes weigh to much, etc. The bike shop above, and then one other outdoors shop that seemed helpful, but they only build really high end race bikes. oh well, I guess I need to join the bike Coop that all of the Rat Patrol guys ride with.
Tempe, that's true, but I'd like to dismantle it, it's grimy, and someone painted it in the past, so I plan to strip it and clean it up some.... good point though, if all al else fails, that's what I'll do.

here's 2 pics:


That help anyone? or rather, can anyone help me now?!?!?!

Thanks again
Thanks RR, I had seen that, and I don't think that my stand is the same as that, the link is for older schwinn styles, I believe. I could be wrong, but I've definetely got at least one more step to even get to the pin, if there is one.... I'm half tempted to just dig in, since I'm planning on converting this to a trike, I probably won't even put it back on the bike...
do you have a pic of the other side of the kickstand? might help....been trying to find any info for you but not one thing so far..........
Okay, I got it off! I can provide a few pictures, if anybody wants to see them, but it's basically 5 parts: the kickstand, the tube it slides into, 2 retaining keys, and the outer clip.

The 2 keys are similar, except one is simply a centering guide that fits into a single grove in the kickstand, and the other pops in and out of 2 notches on the stand. With the stand in the halfway position, this key pushes out against the clip with the most lift, which allowed me to stick a screwdriver in between the clip and the tube. Once I did this, one little leverage lift, and the clip popped off. The stand slid out of the tube, and the 2 keys fell out.... took about 4 seconds total, just had been afraid I was going to break something! Getting the clip back on could be a little bit of a pain, but I don't expect much hassle.

Hope this helps someone else in the future. Thanks for your help!
I just went to the bike pile and found a similar kick stand.
I used a flat piece of metal to pry the spring clip off. A big
screw driver, a pry bar, or a nail bar should work. Under
the spring clip I found a 1/4 inch round pin that serves as
the detent and a rectangle steel block that retains the
kick stand.