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Aug 23, 2008
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St. Louis, MO
Rating - 0%
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I picked this up on craigslist. Rusty but cheap. It's a Hiawatha with the profile of the indian head headbadge which I think means late 50's or 60's? Any help here? Looks to be complete and correct except for the house paint. New departure model D rear hub and chain tensioners, sweet basket, but the delta light has no bottom...rusted.

any ideas on what to do with this beast?

nice find there brent!!! if i were you, id load it up in that big box truck of yours and bring it to KC and give it to me!! haha :lol: :lol: cant wait to see what you do with this one man!

Easy E
Cool, that's my kinda bike,..I'd straighten the carrier, put some new tires on it, grease it up and ride it as is. Nice find.
Made by Dayton for Gambles Hardware. I also have one. I'm guessing they are mid 50's right at the end of balloon tire - beginning of middle weight.
Yeah, I just happened to be there online right when it was posted. Turns out I know the guy who was selling it and he said "yeah, you were first but I sure got a lot of email about that bike."

Upon closer inspection, there is a serial number on the headbadge. But I've never seen a serial number decoder for the Hiawatha bikes. And I have the same headbage (no bike) and it doesn't have a number on it. I have an older Hiawatha ( probably '39-'41) with the train on the headbadge that says "Gambles". I think you're right Crassly, that these with the profile of the indian were late fifties.

If it warms up I'll clean it up and see more of what it looks like. I think it may have been white with black pinstriped fenders and white with black and red trim on the tank.
I like the wire grind wheel that just happens to be readily available by the back tire 8) ! I love that bike. Thats the condidtion I usually buy my vintage bikes in and by the time you are done detailing them... BAM!
yeah, toss the basket and throw on some white walls, although a fat bsw would look good too, and ride it. rusty bikes are cool. yeah, made by dayton and sold through gamble hardware, didn't huffy make daytons?
Cool! That bike reminds me of an early Monark Rocket I have. Planning on just regreasing everything, and spraying some satin clear on it so I don't get rust on me when I ride it! All members should have at least one bike with "paint by nature"! ~Adam