Savage Dragon!

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I have some comicbooks for you to look at.. nothing rare but you may like..
I'm a comic dork! Though they've definitely gone by the wayside the last year or so... Sweet score, Erik Larson is awesome! I used to read Savage Dragon pretty regularly, and I also used to read Super Patriot, mainly because Robert Kirkman is a fan. Now I pretty much just read the various Batman books (but I'm a few months behind), The Goon and Walking Dead.
its one of those mid ninties over-sized huge guns and explosions books
hes the big green guy with the fin on his head.
I started gettin back into collecting back in college
i usually try to get the hardcover collections
read watchmen if you havent!
Walking Dead is pretty incredible. It starts out like your typical George Romero zombie movie, but it doesn't end! It just keeps getting darker and more messed up as people try to deal with society crumbling and being constantly surrounded by the living dead. One of the best books I've ever read, up there with Alan Moore, Warren Ellis or Garth Ennis. Definitely not a superhero book, but absolutely worth the read. I know my local comic book shop (LCBS?) used to sell the first TPB with a 100% money back guarantee if you didn't like it, and no one ever returned a copy. Check it out.
yea ill def check it out, most of my collection isnt superheroes
DMZ and 100 Bullets are two of my favorite books out right now
check them out if you get the chance, good thing about vertigo books is that they are only around 10 bucks

my friend just got the punisher omnibus speaking of Ennis haha
I love 100 Bullets! Haven't gotten into DMZ yet, but I gotta make a trip to the store this week. Thanks for the heads up!
Oh man, I hear you on 100 Bullets! I'm only through the 1st 10 books so far, but man, its something else! Have you checked out Azarello's book Loveless? I started reading it when it first came out and haven't picked it up in a while, but its pretty good. It takes place in post-Civil War south. Very dark. This thread is going to make me go to the comic store today and start catching up on back issues of stuff I stopped reading. Thanks. :D

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