schwinn kickstand

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Mar 17, 2008
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Little Elm, Texas
Rating - 0%
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Ok I stared at the kickstand on my Schwinn suburban and after a couple of bevrages I gave up. How do I get this thing off without using fire, it appears to be pined in place.
I told you to never bother me while I am in my lab!!!!
ill post some pics tonight of how but basically there is a pin in the bottom of the kickstand housing, thats what holds the kickstand and spring assembly in place.

if you look were the kickstand goes into its housing there is a sleeve around the kickstand, you have to push the sleeve further inside the housing so that the pin on the bottom comes out, after the pin is out, the kickstand will come out of the housing.

theres a tool from parktools for $30 bucks, i use a piece of a neck i cut off and a c-clamp.
the above does a beeter job explainin than i could

heres what i use to take mine out.




less finger picnchin this way, the pin usually falls out after a few cranks, just dont loose the pin :mrgreen:
i use do same as ccr does BUT i welded the piece of pipe on after it shot out once and almost took out my patio door :shock:
sensor said:
it shot out once and almost took out my patio door :shock:

thats what happens when you work on your bike in the kitchen :lol: (i prefer the bathroom myself) :mrgreen:

its slipt on me a handful of times but never that violently
couldnt say for sure but i know the new schwinn kickstands will fit in older frames and function(had one from a 2007 cruiser ss in a 50s b6 until i could get an old one to use) they look about the same....
its been a while but I think you have to remember what position its in when removed and has to be the same to re-install.....down or up...I think :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Very helpful! I did the same gawk and beer drinking trying to figure it out. Now I know.


Oh, and anyone know where to find the chrome caps to cover the hole??
stand wedge goes in the tube, it will fit 3 different ways but only 1 way is right, make sure its in there right

insert the stand with the spring assembly in the kickstand tube.

compress the spring

insert the pin

depress the spring

try it out
If you aren't thinking about putting it back on, and have access to air tools, it's a breeze! cut the housing in half and gut it. then use an electric grinder to get rid of the excess housing. I did this with my varsity when I turned it into a singlespeed. I was trying to "lighten" it, but after some severe shredding of excess parts, I could only get it down to 26 pounds... Ugh...