Screwed by Ebay seller...

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Aug 27, 2007
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I guess in this politically correct social climate, how would I best go about warning people here and on other bike sites about a seller on Ebay? I recently purchased a prewar Elgin frame from a dude and the thing shows up with several major cracks that have been crap-welded, brazed and the seat tube was cut off. For my uses, the frame is now junk. I also got some beat up fenders and a wheel set. I can probably use the wheels but the fenders are too beat up for me which I have no problem with since he described them as "rough" while everything else was sold "as-is." Where I have an issue is the frame was not described as having any issues and after paying a lot to get everything shipped to me, I am not about to pay again to ship it back-plus he won't respond to emails. He sells bike stuff regularly and I know another guy that got similar junk in an auction so there is a pattern. I have contacted Ebay but wanted to know what you guys thought...
That bites! Got screwed recently myself.Won and paid for a pair of chains on 10/08.Guy contacts me 2 weeks later and says their on back order.OK. 5weeks later he says they could'nt deliver because I live in a gated community.wrong!Resend my adress the Monday before Thanksgiving,he says he'll ship.(I need 1 of these chains for White Lightning) Finally ships on 11/26.Got them yesterday. Left my first negative feedback.His feedback said I did'nt pay for 3 weeks.What a bunch of &$$^#@#$#%^^#$%!I used Paypal on the day I won.Avoid anyone named "MasterLowrider"!Sorry for the rant .............Steam is still blowing outta my ears! :x
L8 EM :wink:
that sucks i dont normally buy stuff off ebay. unless i can go see it before i buy i dont. unless there are a ton of pics and the guy is really honest. i like to use the local cl because then i can drive out and see the bike myself then decide.
I couldnt be payed to order anyting off of Ebay. I'ts crazy to even think of it. You have NO clue what you are getting, until after you have been screwed (without dinner). I keep hearing the whole "Evil Empire" with Wal-Mart, but with them you at least know what you are getting! Ebay is the Devil!
I've yet to buy any bike parts on ebay, I don't feel that the shipping costs are worth it. A sprocket for $3 is not a good deal if I have to pay $9 for shipping. Maybe I won't find it cheeper elsewhere but the $9 realy kills it for me. I have bought a lot of parts for my '74 Cutlass and it's almost nessesary to get them on ebay 'cuz there are few aftermarket parts for these cars. Most of the parts I've got are in great condition and at a good price.
I have sold a ton of stuff on ebay over the years and bought lots too and I have only ever been in one bad deal.
Its just another business its just as easy to get screwed down the street. I would say most of the bicycle sellers on ebay are honest people just trying to put the right bikes and parts in the right peoples hands :) ofcourse there are exceptions but like i say you can run into them right down the street.
I have bought dozens upon dozens of items on the bay including bikes and parts w/ no real problems. If a situation arises the feedback route usually keeps em honest. There is almost always the insurance option as well as conflict resolution. I am still pro ebay, just cautious. I have had more problems from online bike parts suppliers than with the bay.Just my opinion 8)
Ebay is a treasure trove if you do your research and don't let yourself get caught up in the heat of a bidding war.

One trend I find disturbing though is sellers that withhold giving feedback until they see you give them good feedback. I usually pay for items within minutes of winning an item and I don't think they should wait until I give them good feedback before they give me mine. Feels a little like blackmail.