Have never thought about selling one of my build off bikes but have had three people ask what I'm going to sell Coopster for since I finished it. Heck I can't even begin to think how to price something like a build off bike.
For me it was like selling art when I sold the Drag King Raceliner. It is hard to let something go that you put so much of your time and thoughts into. There were even things that I created in my sleep and woke up with solutions that I hadn't considered the night before. After three months of that it becomes a small part of you. Putting a price on it is very difficult.Have never thought about selling one of my build off bikes but have had three people ask what I'm going to sell Coopster for since I finished it. Heck I can't even begin to think how to price something like a build off bike.
I've had some interest but no actual offers for the Elfman. I have no intention of selling it but if someone really needed a frame like that I'd consider making another. I'm not at all set up for production though and I would need to provide a modified rear fender at least to make it work. I have no illusions that for what I would have to charge to make it worth while the demand will remain very low. I did some accounting on what I spent on steel tubing and welding supplies and was a bit shocked. I probably could have bought a genuine Elgin Robin frame.
But who needs a Robin when you have an Elfman!!!!????
Here's another thought. I have people ask me would I sell my '66 VW bus almost every where I go in it.
I have a standard reply: Sure, everything I own is for sale. The next question is always; How much would you take for it? I then put it back in their court by saying; I don't know yet, but I'll know when I hear it. How much would you give?
Most people at that point realize that they're just infatuated and are not really willing to pay what it's worth. Occasionally someone will actually make a serious offer. So far though, no one has made an offer that pushed me over the edge. But as I said, when someone does, I'll know it.