Shimano SL-3S35 shifter - it works!

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Feb 15, 2009
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I bought one on faith. After fiddling with it and scaring up a few old parts, I got it to work. Here is a pictorial:

1. The shifter is a grip shifter. I am not partial to these but when you cannot find an alternative easily, this was cheap. $17 shipped off ebay with the cable. I bolted it on the end of my test mule bike that already runs a 3SC hub.

2. The fulcrum is backwards to my 3SC hub and my axle was too large in diameter to simply put this on the end. The plastic cover is held on by one screw.

3. I opened it up and the cable was simply secured by a jam nut. I loosened it and slid the cable out.

4. Then I simply hung an add-on anchorage to the end of it followed by clamping it to the chain stay with a standard Shimano cable stop and ferrule. Worked like a charm.


5. As I said before, the fulcrum was backwards for the 3SC hub. This causes the shifter to work in reverse also. 3rd is low and 1st is high. However the adjustment is exactly the same as ever: center the red N in the window on the old fulcrum and it works just like it should.

I am glad I took the plunge. I will use this shifter for now and others may find this a useful alternative if supply of triggers is difficult to obtain or the look of a grip shifter is preferred.
You do realize that you solved two problems. If that first shifter and the Nexus shifter are the same throw wise , that you could utilize the first shifter on a nexus hub and lengthen the shifter arm and make a cool stick shifter. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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