Should I feel guilty?

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May 9, 2009
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Well I may be getting a pair of Raleigh Superbes and Want the men's one but don't want the girls one, However I do want the lighting system of the girls one to put on a Raleigh sports. Is it okay that i'm gonna deprive this bike of it's glory? lol of course I plan on putting other parts on it to make it nice and rideable. let me know what you think. personaly I think it's a dandy idea lol
Nope, don't feel guilty at all. It not like your are parting out a Schwinn Krate shifter to put on another bike. 8)
As I thought lol It's a nice good condition bike so I was wondering. but i'll be replacing the parts so it aint that bad, i'm not sure why people part out really nice bicycles, they must be on drugs or greedy or something. part out more money maybe but think of the poor bike! it worked hard all those years only to be stripped of everything
if it makes you feel any better, i had a pretty nice, complete, ridable schwinn breeze. the only part i stole was the rear axle out of the 3 speed hub to fix the one in my bicentennial.

now im planning on stealing the eyestabber brake levers for a fastback project, large diamond block pedals for a different stingray, brake caliper bolts to transfer to a different incomplete caliper, seatpost clamp bolt is going to upgrade a rusty one on my bicentennial ... i'll probably hang the guard on my wall and i think im going to cut the frame up to make a custom swing bike :mrgreen:

all because its a girls bike (and i only paid $10 for it :mrgreen: )
Yeah in my opinion Thats what I use girls bikes foor, Alot of the times I strip them down to nothing and keep the parts. Because of this if I get into a crash or damage my Raleigh sports collection bikes I always have replacement parts. If my sports could take the locking fork i'd take that too. but the frame has a locking thing the lock goes into I hope theye have keys! they have frame pumps too. I can't believe I let mine go a while back lol
Yeah I tend to use my girl's bikes as donors.

I am putting together a nice '60's Robin Hood girl's bike for my wife so at least one of 'em is getting the love.

If they just weren't so cheap and often in such good shape. :^)

Maybe some day a striped girl's frame will be worth a fortune and I can clean out that part of the basement.
Yeah thats true. I find alot that are in good shape compaired to the men's bikes. Like with my 1939 Raleigh sports, there was a pair of them, the girls one was in really good shape, the mens was okay but not as in good shape. my fenders on mine are lasting because whoever owned it ran over tar and it's under the fenders lol

So it's clear! The poor girl will be taken apart and stripped of it's glory. I plan on removing, wheels, lights, fenders and chainguard. put another set of random wheel then sell for 50$ cleaned up lol or if I put another brand of fenders on i'll sell for me, i've got a huge lot of fenders and chain guards, I just want a spare set for my Superbe!

AN idea for the ladies frames? This is what I made, and it turned out great!
I'm glad to know that someone else thinks twice before junking out a good bike, even a woman's bike. I have junked a couple of bikes myself that were beyond fixable but I have several ladie's bikes in my collection that are good, rideable bikes that I will not part out.
I had a matched pair of Emory bikes, hand made in Jacksonville. Both red, Snyder frames with ashtabula forks. Women's was a 3 speed while the men's was one. A friend of the wife needed transportation, so she got the women's, but only after I swapped the wheels. Now my Super Deluxe has the sachs 3 speed w coaster and she is happy with a one speed. I'm not feeling guilty at all. Both these bikes were made here in the 70's when the company first started out using what was leftover of Snyder's stuff. Now they are still good, but not anywhere near the quality of these first bikes.


Those pictures don't show up, not sure how they are loaded but that type never shows up for me. I hope these Superbe don't need tires. you wouldn't believe how many of these tires this size I buy per year. i'm wondering if I should buy them in bulk now.
Hmm those tires would look good on one of my brown sports. That bike really eats rear tires though. it gets alot of miles i've had the spedo reset on it a few times since i've owned it. I started putting used tires on the back so it costs less lol i've never worn a tire down before. but the Sports I ride alot really likes eating them.
Hsean said:
The Sports I ride alot really likes eating them.

Try one with a coaster brake. :^)

I go through a lot on my Triumph too.

It's hard to find good quality ones in that size.
Yeah, thats why I use old stock used or old new tires. long lasting! well till some cracks get out of hand, apparently theres a way to fix cracks some guy at work was telling me about it, something to do with wd40

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