Smoking rant

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Oct 15, 2007
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Grand Rapids, MI
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Watch where you blow your smoke next time before it hits my face. Some people, I'm telling you, no common sense. :x Irresponsible and rude smokers drive me crazy; nothing but selfishness.

Also, this year, Michigan passed a law to where all restaurants have to be smoke-free and there are still those ignorant people who complain about how they can't have a cigarette as they eat. Give me a break and I'll be at your funeral next year!

***Note that is not a rant about all smokers, just the ones who care less about the people around them, so don't be offended***
I have been breathing cigarette smoke ever since I was born,my dad smoked 5 packs aday,the doctor I had when I was a kid smoked during every office visit.I have no health problems what so ever,If you have a problem with people who are doing nothing illegal,I suggest you stay away from places that smoking is allowed.and keep the whining to yourself and mind YOUR own business!here in ohio alot of mom and pop places went out of business cause of the smoking ban,and after such a lose of jobs because of it ,they are considering repealing some of it .that stuff about second hand smoke is bull.I will be cremated when I go so don't worry about being at my funeral.
My brother-in-law's Father smoked his whole life and ended up with emphysema the last 3 or 4 years of his life (in his late 60s).

The last year of his life (last year) was basically 365 days of slow suffocation with dozens of trips to the E.R.

It was slow horrible disgusting way to die.

But hey, he knew the risks so I guess he felt it was worth the gamble...that is, until last year.

As far as restaurants allowing or not allowing smoking...that should be left up to them.
Rat Rod said:
My brother-in-law's Father smoked his whole life and ended up with emphysema the last 3 or 4 years of his life (in his late 60s).

The last year of his life (last year) was basically 365 days of slow suffocation with dozens of trips to the E.R.

It was slow horrible disgusting way to die.

But hey, he knew the risks so I guess he felt it was worth the gamble...that is, until last year.

As far as restaurants allowing or not allowing smoking...that should be left up to them.

ding ding ding we have a winner.
here in michigan it is in everyplace not just restaurants!!! no smoking in BARS!?!?!

but for some reason that law is not enforceable IN the casinos!!

private property rights slipping away. i wonder what is next.......
I'm pretty sure it's law here in the great white north that you will be fined if you are caught smoking in your car with any kids in it, which by the way I agree with...your not giving the kids a choice but to suck in your foul toxic stench. Most smokers I know don't care who is around them while they lite up which is just ignorant and selfish.
This thread is about to have a short lifespan. :mrgreen:

It's a hot topic and you've got strong opinions on either side.

One of my favorite quotes from a certain conservative talk radio host...

"Sometimes freedom smells like a Marlboro cigarette."
Rat Rod said:
This thread is about to have a short lifespan. :mrgreen:

It's a hot topic and you've got strong opinions on either side.

One of my favorite quotes from a certain conservative talk radio host...

"Sometimes freedom smells like a Marlboro cigarette."

ooooh censorship is a good topic too! :mrgreen:

but lets stick with this one... who may i ask are you referring to? good quote and you can pm me
the answer as not to rile up anyone by name dropping
Upper Class White Trash said:
ooooh censorship is a good topic too! :mrgreen:


The Gestapo of the airwaves. They're bummed because the courts said they have no jurisdiction over the internet. They won't stop, though, until they get control of the biggest prize of all. :x Gary
i'm a smoker myself (dirty habbit) i busted my butt on a tabbacco farm for 15+ years as a kid.
i might add, the farm i worked on had goverment funding/insurance/perks to make tabbacco farming
profitable and popular with the farmers.

smokes up here are $10 a pack and probably $8 works out to be taxes and the goverments cut. it's been years since i've been allow to smoke in a bar/restaurants etc.

all businesses are required to be smoke free.

ya know it really burn's my butt?
that i have a goverment funded addiction, that there making big $$$$$$$$ from. and if i wanted to open a smokers only bar,well its against the law. a non smoker might wanna visit my establishment, and that just wouldn't be fair to them. :(

Kansas just recently passed a public smoking ban, everywhere EXCEPT state owned casinos! lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

For the record.. I dont smoke, cant stand it personally. But I do feel that smokers have rights too. Same goes for business owners. They dont need big government telling them how to run their business.
Ratfink1962 said:

Kansas just recently passed a public smoking ban, everywhere EXCEPT state owned casinos! lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

For the record.. I dont smoke, cant stand it personally. But I do feel that smokers have rights too. Same goes for business owners. They dont need big government telling them how to run their business.

most of our casinos are ran by the original indigenous people so the
regulation of their land once again would be another black eye.

i was surprised to find out the sovereignty they have in many different areas.
The only thing that bothered me was in a resteraunt that's basically one big room, having the smoking section on one side didn't work so good. Plus, you'd have to walk through that area to get to the bathroom. NC passed the law last year. I asked a local bar owner what he thought it'd do to business. He said at first it'd cut business some, but then rebound from people that wouldn't have gone there before! It's a small place, and even my boss, who's the guy's buddy, and a regular said they wouldn't go there sometimes because it was too smoky. That's my two cents! -Adam
yep i smoke and i feel that is my right. do i smoke in the house? no, in the car with my kid? no, would i smoke in a resturant if it was legal? no that is just grose. if you dont smoke thats cool i respect that when i am smoking and i see that the smoke is heading down wind to the person i am talking to i try to move so that it is not doing that. i understand that others dont like it thats cool but it is a personal choice to roll the dice and live with what it brings you. do i personally like smoking? no it is horrable but should we have the right to do it ? sure why not after all the gov sure seems to love us obviously they keep raising the taxes on them every year. when i was living in NY and they raised the tax like over 1.00 making a cheap pack around 8 bucks i thought to myself "all they are going to do is make everyone alkys cause a 40 at that time in NY still cost like 1.50. not making excuses for myself or anyone else i just think that the laws are a bit stupid. this is america after all land of the free (or is it?)
Rustinkerer said:
The only thing that bothered me was in a resteraunt that's.....

karfer67 said:
yep i smoke and i feel that is my right. do i smoke in the house? no, in the car with my kid? no, would i smoke in a resturant if it was legal? no that is just grose.

I love you guys! :D
I'm a respectful smoker myself. I don't smoke if theres kids and i'm always aware of people around me.
But nobody in this country gives a crap about smokers and there rights.

I just don't see the big deal. Why not smoke and smoke free bars?

Oh yeah, i forgot. a non smoker might want to work at my bar, and that just wouldn't be fair. :)
Heaven forbid, a place of employment can't discrimnate.That would be wrong and immoral.

Not to mention those non smokers that wanted to visit my bar. Don't wanna step on his god given rights.
I pay more taxes than a non smoker (approx $8 a pack/day in taxes) and yet a non smokers rights take president over mine.

This is what our goverments deems fair! :roll: I just think it makes for a crap load of cig. buts on the ground outside most bars. :)
icyuod2 said:
This is what our government deems fair! :roll: I just think it makes for a crap load of cig. buts on the ground outside most bars. :)

nope like every one now has a patio outside that is fenced in so it is considered "the bar" so you can drink and smoke if you wish.

i bet this law went over really well with the veterans down at the American legions

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