So what's so great about a skip tooth sprocket?

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Jul 26, 2008
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Sedalia Missouri
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I didn't even know what one was, until I joined here. I've had lots of vintage bikes, and never noticed a skip tooth sprocket. I just checked the fleet I have, and the unrestored JC Higgens has one on it. I've owned the bike for over 20 years and never noticed it. Thanks, Dean
Well, skiptooths are just something kinda cool, and the aren't making any new ones... I don't think there's anything particularly "great" or better, just unique and cool... I've got some skippy parts and will make another bike skiptooth soon outta them...
Skip tooth set ups come eqipt with automatic Cool Cards atached to them ... I think ... Yano.

When I was a kid I thought they were kinda tarded yano lol ... Boy how my eyesight has changed .

Wingman .... Back to base .... Out
To me a skip tooth drive train is like running a flat head in your hotrod. A newer more complex drive train might be faster but, running the old stuff is just cool. You know it took a little extra effort to get it all together and working. Just my 2.cents.
Time portales are cool, thats pretty much what it is. Its nice to look back on the technology of yesteryear. There are no real benefits, unless you count a quickening pulse in anticipation of a pre-war find. DOH! a post war schwinn :oops: I think its cool in some respects to have things somewhat as they were back in the day. And thats where they fit in for me!Now trying to find a 1" pitch chain in good condition? Not so cool, people want long green for them! Finding an N.O.S. 1" pitch chain for cheap? Very cool! :shock: Later & PEACE!!!!
Boardtrack fan said:
To me a skip tooth drive train is like running a flat head in your hotrod. A newer more complex drive train might be faster but, running the old stuff is just cool. You know it took a little extra effort to get it all together and working. Just my 2.cents.
I know old is cool ,but like when I ran a stock flathead in a 46 ford coupe I had and a stupid bearing in the water pump pulley broke ,you couldnt walk in to auto zone and get a new one. The moral of the story is old is cool but when it breaks new is alot easier to fix. and thats my dos centavos.
Inch pitch chain looks a bit sturdier than a modern chain, the major problem is that they are unavailable. 1/8" width chain would probably be obsolete if it wasn't for BMX, and maybe track bikes. The sprockets are fairly hefty too, and the only time I've ever bent a sprocket is doing grinds on a BMX.

In my experience with old cars, it's only an issue with the stuff you haven't rebuilt and replaced, once everything is done they are reliable. I've had early 60's Vespa's that were a pain until the engine got rebuilt and all the cables were replaced then they were as reliable as a later P200e. Same with VWs, my most reliable one had it's original 36 hp, and once I replaced the generator with a remanufactured one I had a working charging system and bright lights. Still used the hand crank every once in a while for the heck of it. it could have benefitted from a later dual-acting master cylinder though.
Slick Rick said:
Finding an N.O.S. 1" pitch chain for cheap? Very cool!

Somebody on this forum found it new, sold by the foot at a reasonable price.
Said he would send it to whoever needed it. Do a search, you'll find it.
there is one other thing that no one has mentioned yet...they have a different sound when you pedal(cant describe it but when you hear it youll know it) aside from that its just old and oddball and those are 2 of my favorite things :mrgreen:
Hey now that ya mentioned the sound .... your rite . : ) : )

It was said some were above that part of it was making it all work on your old heap to the anticapation & presaverance needed to get the rite deal on one . Its kinda like fror me , finding a Super Treasure Hunt Hotwheel ya been hunting for .... Same kinda adrenilubn buzzz or pardon me but , High .. ....... lol ....... makes ya warm & fuzzy all over getin er done.

I had to hunt a month 4 my deal to get it rite at a reasonable, or price I could or would be able to aford..

Ive been forgeting to water my mony tree latley so it hasn't been making much fruit .

Wingman Leader back to base 4 Tacos ... YUMmmmmmmmm .... OUT

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