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I believe it's about a 2003 model.
Bike came in pretty good condition, trigger shifters and pedals were gummed up and needed a cleaning and lube. Somehow the alloy kickstand got bent outward so it would clip my left heel. Removed it and straightened in a vice. This is my first bike with 8 speeds and it's awesome to have such a selection of gears (41 to 119 gear inches) available without changing the front derailleur.
This bike is big (21" frame). My 30" inseam self fits fine except takes a little more technique to dismount.

Unsure if I will keep the "suspension" seatpost. I usually hate them as they are sloppy and my body mass overpowers the puny spring anyways. This one is more solid and feels like it actually has some dampening but the vertical movement when mounting/dismounting just adds to the theatre when getting on or off the bike.
Ditched the suspension seat post. Upgraded to a seat I picked up on Amazon.

Sadly a gust of wind knocked the bike over while I left it unattended.

I thought the only damage was the bars got knocked a bit cattywumpus, but a ride revealed low gear makes a racket and chewed the daylights out of the dork disk!
Looks like the jockey wheels and attaching structure may have gotten bent.