Squishy homebuilt recumbent RIP

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Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I posted about this build some time ago and I just can't find that thread. So I'll start fresh. This build is alive once again with the toughest part being taken care of, the seat and seat bracket. I just used tubing from an old bike rack, drill, nuts and bolts. This is the worst seat job in my 9 recumbent builds, but it's also the most solid! Lot's of educated guesswork went into this. Now I have to work out change management issues and the rest is pretty much easy stuff. I will be going for a flat black paint job. Here are the pics from day one:






That's it for now.
Re: Squishy homebuilt recumbent

Looks like a dragster at step 3

all it needs is a wider rear slick tire and some flat bars+a seat
that would be awesome
Re: Squishy homebuilt recumbent

there is actually a conversion kit you can get from cruzbike.com, its a little pricey though.
Re: Squishy homebuilt recumbent

Well this little adventure ended up being a total flop. There is so much flex in the suspension, even after tightening it up like mad, that the whole thing bounces up and down like a clown bike when hammering down( sorry, I mean forward) on the pedals. Chalk that one up to a learning experience. It's been stripped and tossed on the cadaver heap. Time to bring back the Pocket Rocket to life! RIP Squishy Bent.


For those who don't know, this is the Pocket Rocket. Most of the parts for the Squishy came from that bike.

Well, it certainly "looked" cool! 8)

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