stickers off seats?

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Careful of the adhesives in the stickers.
Some are nasty-sticky.
If they can be peeled at all before using alchohol/goof-off whatever: get as much of the outer layer of the sticker off first. This will expose the adhesive to the solvent (alc. or goof-off)
But be careful that the adhesive is not so strong it will peel the seat surface when it is lifted.
What kind of surface are they stuck to?
Leather? Vinyl?
fast eddie said:
thanx for the info guys! im pretty sure it's leather,
fast eddie outty
If it is "faux" leather, or real: Watch that adhesive.
You can use a low setting on a heat gun to help; but be CAREFUL with the application of heat.
Don't bake the thing :mrgreen: .
I use WD-40 for sticker goo, it doesn't melt anything. Takes the years of dirt too. Also good for sticker residue on new windows and doors, which always seem to have extra sticky glue... ~Adam