So this last weekend my wife and I went down to Salem, OR to go to an OktoberFest that takes place in Mt. Angel, a small german town. We took our bikes with us. I took the CheapLiner, and she took her Firestone500II with Banana seat and monkey bars. We had a good time... Til we came home. We got home at 11:45 Sunday night and promptly went to bed. I've never locked my bikes up or ever felt the need... But when I awoke Monday morning to go to work, I'm looking at my lovely stable of bikes and notice someone stole the Firestone. I was very put out. Still am infact. My wife on the otherhand is more hurt and scared. She doesn't feel as secure as she once had in our own home. Guess I'm buying a buttload of bikelocks tonight... If anyone sees this thing on ebay or craigslist, let me know...
They picked out the rustiest least shiny rideable biek in my yard. Probably jsut cuz of the banana seat... I've been cruisin' around the alleys lookin for it... I dunno. It's pretty much a one of a kind bike, at least in my town... Hope I find it... If not, I'll get more bikes...
They picked out the rustiest least shiny rideable biek in my yard. Probably jsut cuz of the banana seat... I've been cruisin' around the alleys lookin for it... I dunno. It's pretty much a one of a kind bike, at least in my town... Hope I find it... If not, I'll get more bikes...