Stupid thieves... Stole my wife's bike

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Jul 24, 2008
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Eugene, Oregon
Rating - 0%
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So this last weekend my wife and I went down to Salem, OR to go to an OktoberFest that takes place in Mt. Angel, a small german town. We took our bikes with us. I took the CheapLiner, and she took her Firestone500II with Banana seat and monkey bars. We had a good time... Til we came home. We got home at 11:45 Sunday night and promptly went to bed. I've never locked my bikes up or ever felt the need... But when I awoke Monday morning to go to work, I'm looking at my lovely stable of bikes and notice someone stole the Firestone. I was very put out. Still am infact. My wife on the otherhand is more hurt and scared. She doesn't feel as secure as she once had in our own home. Guess I'm buying a buttload of bikelocks tonight... If anyone sees this thing on ebay or craigslist, let me know...

They picked out the rustiest least shiny rideable biek in my yard. Probably jsut cuz of the banana seat... I've been cruisin' around the alleys lookin for it... I dunno. It's pretty much a one of a kind bike, at least in my town... Hope I find it... If not, I'll get more bikes...
Man I am really sorry to hear that.... Its never fun to be the victim of a thief. I am in Seattle and will keep my eye out for it.
aw dang. that's too bad.

i do have to say though... never play against the odds. it doesnt matter where you live or how safe your feel. you can always become a victim.

maybe im paranoid but unless i can see my bike... its locked up. thieves are always looking for the easy prey.
Maybe it'll turn up at a police auction.. My #1 original old bike, "Old Faithful" (1956 Schwinn Corvette), was stolen out of our front yard, where I left it like a dumb***.. I was in the 5th grade at the time, and it was 'class party day', right before summer break, but I stayed home. I was too distraught over my loss. But that afternoon, I saw a police car pulling out of our driveway.. I went out the back door, and there was OF! Someone had rode it uptown and left it. Glad to have gotten it back, even now almost 30 years later!! ~Adam
Sorry to hear that. Be sure and report it to the police as it may yet turn up somewhere.

Read up on locks before buying a bunch. Some of them aren't worth a whole lot for theft prevention.
I would bet it was some drunk who was looking at walking home, then saw
a bike. In his mind an old junker none would miss. If it was someone with
any smarts they would have planned to take them all.
Yeah I'm thinking it was a drunk person or some young punk... That same night an outhouse at a construction site across the street got tipped over. It happened to be the closest bike to the road, and banana seats and apehangers just look cool. Right? I called the police, who wanted a serial number but all I could do was give them a picture of my bike. Lucky I joined this site or else I wouldn't even have that... And like I said, there were shinier way nicer bikes in my yard... I now have a super-hardened chain with a superstrong lock that I run through all my bikes. My wife and I were chaining it up last night, and I gotta tell you, we sure felt silly... but better safe than sorry...
ha. you think thats silly. you should see us trying to lock up 3 bikes, 1 tandem, and a trike to the same pole using only two chains. :roll:

it's like a freakin puzzle. im looking everywhere for a rent house with a garage.
yeah, we've got 5 bikes, a tandem and 2 trikes and one chain... I probably should be more concerned about my pile of non-rideable bikes, but I'm not...
yeah... ive got parts stuffed in the trike's basket. ive been trying to devise a way to secure some kind of storage box out side to keep them in. problem is it would really need to be metal and that would cost too much to get one big enough. :|
Mr. Farrell said:
yeah... ive got parts stuffed in the trike's basket. ive been trying to devise a way to secure some kind of storage box out side to keep them in. problem is it would really need to be metal and that would cost too much to get one big enough. :|
Keep an eye on Craigslist for a used truck bed toolbox. You can find em pretty cheap if you don't mind them being a little beat up. They work great. You can also get them in heavy duty plastic, but the diamond plate ones are better. A buddy of mine uses one to store parts, and it doubles as a coffee table!
i bet ya end up seeing the bike again.spray painted a different color, cause if its a different color. theres no way you can tell its yours. right? :) i mean its not like its a hard to find vintage ride or nothing. :)
if it was a drunk, eventually he's gonna ride it back to the bar.
if it was a kid,you'll probably see it riding down the street, or show up in the last place you expect to see it. (like here for example)

so remember, if ya see em riding down the street, try to refrain from running them down with the car.
remember he's probably riding your bike. (even if it is a different color) :)
I've had a few bikes stolen too and it stinks. But on a serious note, over at the Olds forum a guy there posted a rant about a guy that stopped to ask if he could haul of the Cutlass behind the barn for scrap. Needless to say he told the guy to beat-it, but then the storys after that were scary. they all sound like "Guy came and asked about the car, told 'em no, days later came home to tire marks in the grass and a missing old car". If they even stopped to ask, this week alone I seen a Corvair van and a 4 dorr '67 Buick on the way to the junk yard :( . Guy down the street always has a trailer full of metal, I don't see how he can get that much without stealing some of it. Lots of scrap happy nut jobs running around so everyone DO lock your stuff up.

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