sturmey 3 speed question

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Jul 17, 2008
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sandusky OH
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I need to order an index chain for a S3C hub. Bikeman has these but there are 4 choices. Mark I thru IV.
Does anyone know what the difference is? I've never had a problem fitting one before.
not sure if this will help or not
however everything i read this evening states that hub is a complete and utter failer. strong recomendations for hand brakes. the coaster is guarenteed to fail eventually. it was pulled from production due to an overwhelming amount of failers. all it takes is for the gear indicator to be slightly outta ajustment, and bam! no brakes.

might want to ditch it before ya start, or at the very least use lock tight and check /ajust it before every ride.
i have mainly older a.w. hubs and noticed the only ind chain difference was when i tried to work with a s.w. hub (junk). too bad you didn't have the old chain for a measuring comparison, cuz i'm figuring the chains avail are only different in length. newer or older hub? check the sturmy archer site to find your hub and see what they spec or suggest for it. wish i could be more help.
roadmaster said:
i have mainly older a.w. hubs and noticed the only ind chain difference was when i tried to work with a s.w. hub (junk). too bad you didn't have the old chain for a measuring comparison, cuz i'm figuring the chains avail are only different in length. newer or older hub? check the sturmy archer site to find your hub and see what they spec or suggest for it. wish i could be more help.

Checked S/A history files and found parts breakdown of hub. Bikeman used OEM part # and Presto!, we have a match.

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