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Very funny. I laughed the whole way through. I would substitute "Goobermobile" for Minivan though :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And yes I own a Minivan with Dvd player.
Things that cracked me up the most...

1. Dude singing plant names and comment about Round Up.
2. Guy crying during the Disney movie.
3. Same guy hurting his lower back when he was doing a dance move.

Man...this video is so right on the money...ha ha. :lol:
Omg thats my life.

My 4 year old son ran into our living room the other night saying that his 6 year old sister put her crack on his head. For the first time in my life I had to say these words in this order "Madelyn don't put your crack on Gavins head, or anyone else's" all the while holding a straight face.

livin large in the dad life!
My favorite of the "Dad" type videos ... re=related

pepper said:
gosh thats my life.

My 4 year old son ran into our living room the other night saying that his 6 year old sister put her crack on his head. For the first time in my life I had to say these words in this order "Madelyn don't put your crack on Gavins head, or anyone else's" all the while holding a straight face.

livin large in the dad life!

I actually told my 9 yo to stop looking out my 6yo's window so they would stop fighting in the back seat.
In that moment everything my father said to me and my sister when we would fight, finally made sense. :shock:

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