can't find reliable Internet so I can't post pictures can't do it from my phone either.
Found 2 bad bantams yesterday, $4 for both.
Found a schwinn predator and a dyno nitro for $7(both)
Was drivng past some guys house and he was unloading his stuff to sell. I see a dyno fireball bike thing and slam on the brakes. I ask him howuch for these bikes and how much on the dyno?
I'll take a couple bucks on those and $50 on the dyno. I freak out. I pay for the other bikes and leave to get money for the dyno. I go back, load the other 2 bikes($4 for a giant 21 speed and a Columbia mixte) pay for the dyno. I go back to get the dyno, he has to pay me back because his wife disagreed with his price. My weekend got shot in the chest.
Waiting for a call.