The next generation

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
New Hampshire Lakes Region
Rating - 100%
35   0   0
This past Monday my Wife's aunt watched our 3 year old son Tucker and 4 month old son Leif for a few hours.

She asked Tucker if he could say his ABC's. He says. "A, B, C, dot org." :shock:
(the kids love visiting

My 5 year old's favorite computer game is a 3D Train Simulator that is designed for grown ups. And he's good at it.

Anyone else got a funny one to share?
Not computer, but related to the times. I have a phone booth with a dial up Vintage payphone in it, we have fun when my sons friends come over and try to make a call, they keep pushing on the dial trying to get the #'s to beep, They never saw a dial phone before.
My 9 month old usually goes down about 8:30 and honestly he's usually out til morning, last night he didnt go to sleep to well ... youd think he was asleep ... put him down, couple minutes later he'd start crying ... open his bedroom door ... crying would stop ... look in the crib ... he'd say "peekboo" and just start laughing :lol:

i think this kid has got me trained already :mrgreen:
Over the weekend, my 5 yr old is talking to his grandfather (Papa).

Boy: " Papa if you took a rocket to Pluto you would be really old by the time you got there"
Papa: "I'm already really old"
boy "Oh yeah, then you'd probably be dead"

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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