OK So my 9yr old daughter decided she was ready to build her first bike. Since here current bike was a 16" BRATZ bike
and she is growing like a sumac tree, I was enthusiastic. Ratina came through with the 20" 64' Schwinn Fiesta. Pretty rare bike since the only made them in 20" for one year. I thought this would be the perfect bike for her. So sitting with me looking at all of your awesome builds he little gears started turning and she soon new exactly what she wanted. Some of the parts she wanted just were impossible or waaaay to expensive. Everything was pretty easy to find and get at reasonable prices. So hold onto your sissy-bars pedal jerks and get ready for this one!. (Pedal Jerks B.C.) kinda neat. Someone should start that club. lol I'M IN!
Here is the Fiesta as it was received and in GREAT SHAPE I must say. Thanks again Ratina (That dude is good business)
Picked up this donor bike off craigslist for $15 We're going to use the wheels and any hardware we may need, which I doubt we will because the schwinn bearing any all that are the best. They just need a bath in WD40 then repacked with good grease,
and she is growing like a sumac tree, I was enthusiastic. Ratina came through with the 20" 64' Schwinn Fiesta. Pretty rare bike since the only made them in 20" for one year. I thought this would be the perfect bike for her. So sitting with me looking at all of your awesome builds he little gears started turning and she soon new exactly what she wanted. Some of the parts she wanted just were impossible or waaaay to expensive. Everything was pretty easy to find and get at reasonable prices. So hold onto your sissy-bars pedal jerks and get ready for this one!. (Pedal Jerks B.C.) kinda neat. Someone should start that club. lol I'M IN!
Here is the Fiesta as it was received and in GREAT SHAPE I must say. Thanks again Ratina (That dude is good business)
Picked up this donor bike off craigslist for $15 We're going to use the wheels and any hardware we may need, which I doubt we will because the schwinn bearing any all that are the best. They just need a bath in WD40 then repacked with good grease,