The story of the El Guapos

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Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
New Hampshire Lakes Region
Rating - 100%
35   0   0
So today is a big day. It's the first Thursday of the month which means it's El Guapos night. Basically there is a group of us men who gather on the first Thursday of each month to go out and do something. Many of us are marrried with kids, but some are single, ages vary from probably mid 20's to late 40's, and we all decided the following:

1. we are not getting any younger.
2. we enjoy the outdoors but have trouble getting our butts in gear to enjoy it.
3. we are all pressed for free time.
4. we all need a little help from time to time with various projects around the house.
5. beer tastes good.

some nights we work on projects to help each other out, sheet rocking a room, finishing a deck project that sat for 2 years, helping a buddy move, whatever needs to get done. Kind of a "friend in need is a friend in deed thing (except the friend is an El Guapo of course)

Some nights we go and get some exercise like doing a hike, snowshoe, back country night ski /snowboard, the occasional boat ride and so forth.

Some nights we don't get anything done but sit around and socialize, maybe home brewing or have a cold one.

It's a great way (excuse) to get out of the house, get outside or help a friend. plus there is usually a beer or three at the end of the evening which is a plus. Whatever the agenda its always a good time, well, except for the time we had to move this giant bookcase.....

Last month we did a night hike / ski that was a lot of fun, very cold though, around 0 degrees that night but full moon. we had a skiier, free heeler, 2 snowbarders, 1 on x-country and 2 on snow shoes. the moon was so bright we didn't need to use our headlamps. Fresh tracks in 18" of powder on a no name hill, cant beat it.

Tonights agenda is a back country night ski, new hill though. We are due for more freaking snow starting around 6:00 but it will be warmer at least. I'll be packing the camera and will post up some highlights if possible.
sounds like a great group of friends you got there. if i was up in that area I'd certainly join you for the back country fun.
lol i would if i didn't have to leave now and head to NJ for Danimal and get his bike he won on Ebay. He's from up your way.
Snow was excellent, still very deep and the temp was around 30, so very mild. The forecasted snow held off and it actually cleared up enough to get some use out of the moonlight. Last nights trail was much longer than last months, about 5 min or so, took 4 runs total (no hiking), fininshing around 10:00 PM, then off to Fosters Steak house for an ale and nachos.

Upper "trail" was raw woods, you really had to keep your dukes up to keep the branches out of your face but then after about 100ft the hill had been logged off so there were skidder trails and open areas which allowed you to build up some speed, relax a little and link up lots of turns. The lower section had some flats which was less of a problem for the skiiers but i got pretty stuck once. Glad i brought the snowshoes, I was sinking to my thigh without them... The last two runs were excellent, we had kind of figured out the best general angle and knew where the flats were so we could carry some speed and where the real dense woodsy areas were.

The skiing was sponsored by Goldschlager with apres ski festivities bar side with stimulating conversation, good laughs and frosted barley pops.

Photos didn't work, just blackness with white spots (headlamps). Better there is no evidence...

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