...and one hand painted Roadmaster. A buddy of mine bought some "vacation property" that had a few old farm buildings on it. Knowing that I was a scrounger from the Fred Sanford school he had me come up right after the ink had dried on the paperwork. In what looked to be the hen hotel hung this sorry looking Roadmaster.
I should walk away from these finds as it sports several coats of Sherman Williams in every nook and cranny. The thing is with these hand me down bikes is that they show quite a bit of history. It looks to have been blue when new, but a racier brother or sister must have wanted the off red and cream combo when taking over ownership. All of the brightwork was painted silver once the chrome had rusted and worn off. It also sports a machine shed weld job on one of the crankarms, must have been from when portly cousin Floyd took it for a rough ride through the field. The speedo shows 807 dusty miles on it before the kids left and it was hung up with the egg laying fowl.
Should have left it, but with the stories that the old girl could tell I just didn't have the heart. Cheers
I should walk away from these finds as it sports several coats of Sherman Williams in every nook and cranny. The thing is with these hand me down bikes is that they show quite a bit of history. It looks to have been blue when new, but a racier brother or sister must have wanted the off red and cream combo when taking over ownership. All of the brightwork was painted silver once the chrome had rusted and worn off. It also sports a machine shed weld job on one of the crankarms, must have been from when portly cousin Floyd took it for a rough ride through the field. The speedo shows 807 dusty miles on it before the kids left and it was hung up with the egg laying fowl.
Should have left it, but with the stories that the old girl could tell I just didn't have the heart. Cheers