Think your neighborhood is safe?

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What kind of 'pup' ya got? I like big dawgs. :mrgreen:

With big teeth for the bad guys!
i have 4 pits at my house people in the area know to steer clear. and you really want to have fun with a scanner wait till new years when everyone starts shooting guns into the air and listen to them rattle off addresses of shots fired.
i live in south east atlanta, in a neighborhood called Reynoldstown.
there is a weed/crack dealer living 3 doors to the right of me.
there was a drive-by at his house a couple months ago.
a gang hangs out on the corner to the left of me.
i have a prostitute that lives in a shed behind one of my neighbors houses.
she conducts business in the portapotty at the construction site across the street.
i witnessed 3 guys carrying a 42" flat screen out my my neighbors house behind me.

in spite of all this, i love my neighborhood, and i do feel safe here and in my home.

there are many simple things you can to to avoid being a victim.

1. like karfer said, get a dog. doesnt necessarily need to be a pit. just something with a good bark that will act like a guard dog. i have a boxer, who is the sweetest, best dog i have ever had, but when someone is at the door, she is ready to kill. her bite is worse than her bark too. she really does target the crotch.
2. lights, lights, lights, lights, lights!!!! i cannot stress this point enough. get security (motion) lights at the front of your house, that shine on to your cars, walkways, doors, etc.
3. if you have a flat screen tv, do not have it where it can be visible from outside, or, keep blinds closed at all times, or, get a locking wall mount for your tv and lock it! never leave laptops out in plain site. for your vehicle, dont leave anything of any perceived value in it. even change(in my hood)
4. say hello to everyone you see in front of your house. make your presence known. know all your neighbors. if a group of sketchy dudes walks by your house while you are outside, say hey. let them know you are aware of them.

i have been living here for about 2 years now, and (knock on wood) have not been broken into yet.
we do not have a security system. we do not own a gun(yet)

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