Angle grinder cut off wheel. Goes through all the spokes on a wheel in seconds.
Sometimes even this doesn’t get the cotters out. It’s a professional grade vintage Var cotter inserted and remover.[ATTACH=full]290299[/ATTACH]If this doesn’t work I carefully drill out the center of the cotter and for some reason they then come out easy.
Some Brodie tricks from his website. This homemade tool is more accurate than the string method. If you don’t have a welder and a bunch of scrap steel, make it out of wood. This is how Brodie checks his frames, he thinks it’s more accurate than an alignment table.[ATTACH=full]290302[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]290305[/ATTACH]
He also uses a homemade tool to check the drops to make sure they’re aligned. Mine was made out of a piece of scrap threaded rod for one side and an old hub axle for the other.
Before bending it back. This bike had been heavily crashed, bent frame, bent crank arm, crushed pedal and the drop ends weren’t parallel.
Now it’s aligned. Just grab the axle and threaded rod ends and supply enough force to get them straight.