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Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
Garden City Mi 48135
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
All 3 for less than a 100, the yellow one is some old schwinn truss rods missing, black schwinn cruiser deluxe, and a free spirit brittney. I didnt get the serial number off the old schwinn yet but any ideas what it is?
Checked serial numbers today the yellow one is a 1962 Wasp was red and white, The other is a 1980 Deluxe cruiser, looks like the chainring was changed for some reason, Anyone know if a Deluxe should have fenders or not?
Would not have been optioned w/them originally.Kruzer King makes some nice ones w/indent for springer though! :wink: Later & PEACE!!!
The black Schwinn Cruiser was your best find in terms of return on investment.

If that's the original Schwinn springer on the bike then it's worth some dough.

Schwinn Cruisers of that era typically bring anywhere from $250 - $500 on Ebay depending on the condition.
From what the old guy i bought them from told me, The Black cruiser was his and all original the Wasp was left in the garage next door to him , A 80 year old man lived there and it was his he said, And didnt wanna see it go to the trash.

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