I scored several bikes in town today. The only reason I even stopped was the blue free spirit at the bottom of the pile... if I hadn't seen that, I probably would have passed. The free spirit is going to be stripped and parted. I'm definitely going to sell the fenders, possibly the wheels; they are 26 x 1 and 3/8's with a coaster brake single speed... seems unusual to me. I'm going to save the grips, crank setup, handlebar assembly, pedals, and fork/headset for a project. the rest will probably be sold or junked due to a lack of space... might keep the frame for tubing. I took the 24 inch "Nice Coyote" (?) for the super ratty brake levers alone. :lol: Here they are:
Free spirit:
Not sure what this is; I thought it was a 26 inch when I grabbed it, turns out it is a 24:
Free spirit:
Not sure what this is; I thought it was a 26 inch when I grabbed it, turns out it is a 24: