Last week I took my daughter for her ride at a church parking lot down the street, adjacent to the lot is a drainage ditch...concrete, and in it is this local who I have talked to a few times he's about 15, so he is going back and forth pulling off different tricks,stalling, spins, ect and me and my daughter are just enjoying the show. He takes a break as I am checking out his bike, he is talking about how he has two front wheels on his bike ans I am not so much listening as I have to have an eagle eye on my daughter. So I am looking and realizing there is no chain and the crank is bungied to stay in one position along with no brakes.. :shock: so the brake thing is by choice, (he uses his foot on the tire to stall) but the no chain thing ? his freewheel was siezing up and he just couldn't afford another one right now. So we will call this one Gravity Freestyle BMX, I know get pics. :wink: