I would recommend sticking with 24", as this will keep your weight lower, and the trike will be more stable. Those model trikes are pretty squirrely as they are, and would be worse with 26's.
I was facing the same dilemma when I built a trike using the rear end from a 78 Schwinn. You won't find a 36h hub to fit those axles, and your choice of 28h rims are limited to modern style alloy road/MTB stuff, which it sounds like that's what you're looking for, anyway. If you wanted to use the modern "hollow hubs", you would have to fabricate/modify new axles.
I was looking to use rims that would fit 24x3 Fatti-O's, and keep the classic chrome look. I luckily found some inexpensive chromed steel 24x1.75, 28h rims that worked out perfectly. It was my simplest and lease expensive option. I did my own lacing and trueing, which saved me lots of dough. I had not found these rims to be available anywhere for a long time, but I just did a search, and it looks like there are a couple of Amazon sellers currently offering them.
I'm guessing your tire choice may be more limited with 24", over 26", but I think the lower stance is a benefit.
Here's a pic of my trike's rear using these same rims laced to those goofy hubs.
Here's a shot of the whole project, which is still a work in progress.