Tucson Shooting

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Yeah, I can't believe people are still doing stuff like that, you think after the last decade or two everyone would be better people and never hurt anyone again but doesn't seem like things are getting better any time soon.
some guy went to a grocery store where they were doing some political canvassing and shot a bunch of politicians and a few bystanders.

we better get used to it tho i think... when you have politicians passing laws that afford illegals immigrants a better life than the working middle class , people are gonna get real pissed, and some are gonna take action.

It has become a total joke here in california..while most familys are struggling, most illegal immigrants here work for cash AND collect welfare, h@ll the one across the street even has an off the books cash cleaning business with at least 5 immigrant cash employees and still collects welfare!!. she even has landscapers (also illegal immigrants) to maintain her section-8 housing.(she pays $300 mo. average rent is $1200-$1400 in this area).
with her $670 mo.govt. grocery card (food stamps were too degrading so they get ATM cards now) they eat like kings and her 4 kids (no dads) get free lunches at school and free school supplies and band instruments.... the best part is, the welfare worker is over there twice a week !!!

so like I said, I think we better get used to it, at least till the gov't pulls its head out its ....... :roll:
The fact of the matter is that some psycho opened fire on innocent people. Who cares if the government doesn't have their head straight; you don't kill people, end of story. The day America "gets used to this" is the day we should all look in the mirror and ask who we really are. The government shouldn't be blamed; It's the guy with a gun at fault. Let's try to refrain from political discussion; the tragedy here is a guy who killed 6 people and injured many others. It destroys me to think of a 9 year old girl being killed like that. Prayers with that family.
scrumblero said:
some guy went to a grocery store where they were doing some political canvassing and shot a bunch of politicians and a few bystanders.

so like I said, I think we better get used to it, at least till the gov't pulls its head out its beep... :roll:

Umm well number one point I want to make is that "some guy" is no relation to THIS someguy :D and secondly well put couldn't have said it better
OH!! I wasn't condoning this guys actions in the least! what he did was wrong at the highest level!, I am just saying there are a lot of people out there at the end of their rope that blame it on bad politics and corruption .... so.... :roll:

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