Ugly 24" bike

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Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Rating - 0%
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I got this for € 20,-- from a friend working at my most visited LBS. (lbs=plural of lb, lb=pound. ?)
Union folding bike, don't know what age.

It is the ugliest bike I ever owned.


Missing part: The quick-release for the hinge
I think it's awesome. Partly because I recently bought a folder for 25 dollars to flip, but I'm using it for all my neighborhood errands and am really liking it.
You're right!.She's UGLY.........
....... I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Ugly is an understatement.
Thank you.

Yeah, but even ugly girls need a little love
I know, and so do dirty old men. Sometimes it works out nice.

How about making it into a folding tall bike.
Folding vertical, horizontal or diagonal?

We should have an 'ugly bike build off!!'
Nah, just a photo contest for factory made bikes. You could win. What brand is yours? Looks like a Raleigh fork.

I think it's awesome.
Hey, don't spoil the fun!
Yes, it's fast and stable.

I bought it because it is the same make as my "Klunker" frame, the one I got for 18 years.
Maybe I could build a folding sidecar.....?
If she gets to ugly for ya at least you can fold her up and put her in the closet. Its really no that bad if you ride with sun glasses and maybe a hat so your friends dont see
What brand is yours? Looks like a Raleigh fork.
It's a "Feida Cycle", chinese shopper bike. It was one of eight bikes I bought together for $100. The chrome is really terrible, flaking and peeling everywhere, very ugly! But perhaps someday I'll redo it with some 'ratitude'! ~Adam