Unbalanced Terminology - The "Spoke Nipple" Caution

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Oct 15, 2007
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Grand Rapids, MI
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You guys ever tend to avoid using terms that you're familiar with but know some others wouldn't be?

If I was at a bike show or shop, I could say spoke nipple and nobody would look at me funny. This doesn't work during Craigslist deals though so I completely avoid it. It's just way too awkward even though its correct terminology.

Question: "Hey Zach, how do you true up wheels so good?"
Me: (Knowing that they are unfamiliar with bikes) "Oh, um, you just get a spoke wrench and put it around that thing at the end of the spoke and by the rim and twist it where the bend is after addressing the situation."

Haha, it's hilarious. I'm sure this happens all the time in the workforce. Anyone have any stories? :lol:
At the steel plant I work at, there is a guy that has the job of making sure every machine is greased properly. Ya know, walks around with a grease gun...."NIPPLE FETISH" :lol: . Theres always jokes going around, but its all in jealousy :lol:
Between me and my friends-We were going to Ann Arbor, Told the girlfriend im going to go see a ton of nipples.

But I use the simple things...

Put the thingy on that thingy...and so on.
My worst was when I worked at a meat packing plant on the slaughter floor and I got pulled over after work for swerving or something stupid like that ( I was dead tired), officer walks up and asks where I'm coming from, I said I just got off work at the meat packing plant, he asks what I do up there....... Without even thinking I said "I KILL PIGS".....I got let go with a warning.....Next morning my boss calls me into the office and says...."Heard you got pulled over last night" :oops: The cop had called and confirmed that I killed pigs.....My boss told him "Yep I pay him to kill my pigs for me....." :lol:

We both got a good laugh out of that one. :lol: :lol: :lol:
we had a fella at the shop that was too embarassed to say "nipple" to female customers. he called them "nibs" instead. :roll:

i never ask, "presta or schraeder?" i always ask, "regular valve like on a car?" :)
most of my friends have motorcycles, so when theyre talking about their bikes, ialways throw something in about riding my "bike" just to make them laugh.
One of the things I find amusing is the terminology found on forums. I belong to RV.net and a lot of threads on there talk about cleaning the black tank which isn't anything but then people can freely say they have a poo dam and it's common. On a fishing forum there was an article about "stalking a big crappy" or in woodturning we talk about using the "crotch wood".
As a musicology major, terminology is a never ending battle. :?

But, I work for an orthodontic company, and my main job is installing braces on plastic models of teeth (anyone who's ever had braces/gotten their kids braces/etc. has probably seen these plastic teeth with braces on them. That's what I make, bonding and aligning all the parts by hand). A lot of the jobs I do wind up getting shipped internationally to the company's non-US clients.

When my college friends ask about what I do, I try to make it sound 'sexy':

Innocent soul: 'So what do you do for a job?'

Myself: 'Oh, I have a fascinating job that is in great demand. I perform cosmetic work on international models.'

:roll: :roll:

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