Well patina'd Fleetwind Spaceliner looking.......

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Feb 14, 2009
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Western PA USA
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...bike I traded for today. Since I've been on here I've noticed the spaceliners and really started diggin that frame. I was offered this for trade on some tin signs I had. The guy said it said Fleetwind, which it does, but his description sounded like a spaceliner. So I'm guessing that this is a spaceliner frame produced for sale buy another company? The rear dropouts look like my kids old Murray. My plans? I'm thinking take it apart and lube it, some new(er) wheels and a derailur for some gears, try to make the light work, and thats about it!



I like the rattyness of that one. Those frames are Murray-built just like the Sears-branded SpaceLiner. The only difference is slightly more room between the top two lines of the frame (and consequently a slightly different styled tank). My guess is they had to vary the design enough to market the product to different brands.


Sears SpaceLiner:

FleetWing Mariner:
whatever the heck it is, it sure is ratty!! and i like it! is the plastic piece in the headlight still there and in good shape?

hooch your new signature cracks me up. that is so funny.

Easy E
Yeah look close at JoeyMac's pics. His shows a sears spaceliner, and a fleetwing, but there were also western flier versions too. All made by Murray, just a little bit different in the pairs of tubes. but most of us 'round here call them all spaceliners. I do. Personally, I prefer the fleetwing/western flyer versions, where the lower set of tubes goes all the way back to the dropouts(which are the coolest design ever, by the way...) rather than the sears version where they mount onto the upper tubes at the back.
Just my perference...
If not, its definitely period-correct... My western flier Spaceliner had a western flier sticker on the seat tube. I can see a foil sticker on yours. What's it say?
Says nothing. Just a sticker with a pattern. The chainguard is almost completely illegible, but I think its says Explorer.
Huh. Well, I would be willing to bet that speedo isn't stock, but is period correct. Besides sears, montgomery wards, and a schwinn shop, western auto psrts stores were a great source for bikes and accessories back in the day...