Found this bike in pieces... trying to figure out if it is worth fixing... and would love to know what it is! There is a head badge (foil decal?) underneath all that yellow house paint but I am afraid if I strip off the paint, the decal will go with it. Any ideas? Actually, three questions:
1. What is it? Brand/Model
2. Is there a drop-in replacement for that crank rather than rebuilding it?
3. Is it worth the money/effort or should I find another candidate?
Thanks guys, I am a newbie in all this and just would love to get a working retro bike out of it.
1. What is it? Brand/Model
2. Is there a drop-in replacement for that crank rather than rebuilding it?
3. Is it worth the money/effort or should I find another candidate?
Thanks guys, I am a newbie in all this and just would love to get a working retro bike out of it.