What is this (and was it worth it)?

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Jun 16, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
Rating - 100%
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Took a little road trip with my Dad and came home with this fella. Having been into ballooners, however, I have no clue what it is (pretty smart, huh?). Came with 2 solid wood rims (no spokes/hubs), 1 Goodyear 28" singletube tire, 1 fender, unusual seat post and stem, etc... So can anyone help me identify this one? Haven't looked for a serial number yet--got some cleaning to do first.

Unfortunately (or fortunately if this turns out to be "something") during my time away, I missed out on two bikes that I really wanted. :cry: Still I really like this frame and it was worth it to spend some time with my old man. (PS-The head tube isn't bent--there's just something weird with the shadows.)







thats something you dont need! :wink: ill take it off your hands. :D
sorry cant tell you other than its really old. great find hope you can restore it.
My guess would be early Iver Johnson. Is the crank two pieces? The sprocket looks like the one used on some Iver bikes but, I have not seen one with the small holes around the outer edge.
BTF-It's a 1-piece crank. The chainring bolts on from the outside. Any place in particular I should be looking for a serial? The dark spots are bits of black glossy paint; perhaps the original coat. I about freaked when I saw them--they really do look like rust holes. The frame is built like a tank and seems to be completely sound.
You really ought to let someone at the Cabe look at it before you do anything to it in case it is valueable. Your at a juncture where its still stock and should be looked at some before you act.
my rule of thumb is that if im not sure, i dont touch it till i am! wood rims, skiptooth...id DEFINATELY get some i.d. before i did anything. useable wood rims alone would be worth some bucks,
fast eddie
it looks to be from the teens(crank,wheels,block chain,bar,post, and lugs are why im guessing that)and american made its older than what im used to so i dont have too much in the way of info......
Your block chain if it is in good condition is a $200 chain all day long! Imagine what the rest of the bike is worth?! The stem and seat post are quite rare and would probably date this bike to early 1900's. Lugged frame style is waaaay cool too!
I thought all Iver-Johnson Bikes were brazed construction. Even extremely early examples. The way the seat stays/seat tube come together does look similar to Iver-Johnson, however. The sprocket looks a little different than an I-J. Those little holes at the points of the star are a new one on me.

I would also go to the CABE for positive ID, as I am an amateur at best.
Thanks for all of the great info guys! I haven't had much luck on the Cabe.

Sensor: I saw that Crescent on Nostaligic too. The seatpost is the same, but I can't quite see the lugs:

There was also a Crawford that had similar oversized tubing and the large lugs:

Can anyone tell me how to determine if it's a 2-piece crank?

Regardless it definitely shares a lot of similarities with turn of the century bikes!
Here are some pictures of my Iver J motorbike. My guess is that your bike is much earlier. It has a unique 2-pc. crank and the nicest fork I have seen on a vintage bike. The bottom bracket is also unique (IVJ only?). My guess is that the headset was made by Iver J because, nothing else fits it!



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