What is wrong with people

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Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Body: Kokomo, In... Mind: in the gutter. Soul: in
Rating - 100%
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Watching the news I heard of the school shooting in Connecticut. My heart goes out to the families of the students and all persons involved. It seems as though this world is getting worse and worse with every passing day due to a few of these inhuman individuals. It seems nowhere is safe anymore, movie theaters, schools, churches, where does it stop? What is wrong with these people?
To much T.V everyone wants to be famous at any cost an they know the media will immortalize them
outskirtscustoms said:
Watching the news I heard of the school shooting in Connecticut. My heart goes out to the families of the students and all persons involved. It seems as though this world is getting worse and worse with every passing day due to a few of these inhuman individuals. It seems nowhere is safe anymore, movie theaters, schools, churches, where does it stop? What is wrong with these people?

My thoughts as well. I was reluctant to post about it on here as I don't see it doing much good. The only thing we might be able to do is start a prayer chain and let the Good Lord do as he sees fit. So please make a mention to him to ask for this mental illness to end.I hope that no one here has been affected by this latest occurence and all your loved ones are safe.God bless.
The only thing we might be able to do is start a prayer chain and let the Good Lord do as he sees fit. So please make a mention to him to ask for this mental illness to end.I hope that no one here has been affected by this latest occurence and all your loved ones are safe.God bless.

X 2
Were all afected by it, I know the people here ae genetaly good people to great people. Were human and cant help but hurt for them.

I usually wouldnt watch coverage, not because I dont care, but because I cant stand to to watch people in such despair and hurt. But it was on tvat a house I was doing service at. Very hard to not shed a tear. My youngest is 2yrs older than those kids and I cant imagine life without him.

Wrong or not, Im glad they got the shooter, and the healing can begin. Justice has been served, but it will never make up for the losses.

What a traggedy.
Onewheelsqueel said:
Were all afected by it, I know the people here ae genetaly good people to great people. Were human and cant help but hurt for them.

I usually wouldnt watch coverage, not because I dont care, but because I cant stand to to watch people in such despair and hurt. But it was on tvat a house I was doing service at. Very hard to not shed a tear. My youngest is 2yrs older than those kids and I cant imagine life without him.

Wrong or not, Im glad they got the shooter, and the healing can begin. Justice has been served, but it will never make up for the losses.

What a traggedy.

I meant as in personal loss. But yes, it does affect every one of us.
A terrible thing happend today. I really can't believe this happend in my own state. My heart and prayers go out to all of the children, teachers, and family members of the victims.

Anyone know how Jaydub is? I believe he lives in Newtown. I hope all is well with you, and you are also in my prayers.
All good Rat. I didnt mean wrong by you as well.

Just that even in my short time on here, I can tell theres good people on here and I know we all feel the loss and sadness for what happened.

As more details come out, Im sickened by what actually happened.
Some of you may know that I am a teacher and I was in school today and when I found out about what had happened I was devastated. I had that awful uneasy feeling in my heart. I see literally hundreds of kids in 5th and 6th grade everyday in the halls. I could only ask myself how I would feel if I had to come to the firehouse and find out that my son/daughter was NOT there to take home. And yet 20 parents/guardians, 40 people plus all the relatives and the teachers/admin who were killed and their spouses/relatives who would have to bear such a personal loss and deal with emotions of disbelief and endless grieving. I hope that those people can welcome the sympathies and support of the community around them and try to heal.

God bless them all!

i also dont usually watch this type of stuff on tv, i still cant watch 911stuff. its just too upseting for me. my wife and i talked with our kids last night, and we all cried and prayed. i dont know what the answer is, but i pray we find it, this stuff must stop.
Were not telling our youngest about it right now, nor allowing him to see or hear about it on tv. He had to deal with loosing a classmate in a tragic car accident that made national head lines last year, and he had a hard time dealing with it. We will talk to him but we want to let the buzz settle.

Our oldest unfortunately has seen this before, and gets what happened. Sad, to think thats what he has grown up seeing and is a regular part of life.
This horific cowardless act happened about 5 miles or so from my house..We lost a neighbour hood child we were close with 3 others not far away as well total of 4.. The past couple of days have been like heck here..Our town will never be the same.. :(
What always comes up first, here in europe, is always:"Oh those americans and their weapons ...bla bla". Your relationship to weapons is a little weird to me as well, but i think you're used to it, you know what you do and that most people are sensible with that.
BUT on the other side, it's so difficult to get weapons over here and those tragedies happen here, too.
Maybe you heard of it: Last year, one a..hole bombed government buildings in Oslo,Norway and then shooted 69 people, most of them teenagers, for racist reasons. He said he was on a "crusade" and wanted to "clean europe" or some crap.What happend?
Almost nobody was talking or careing about the victims and their families. Instead of this the guy was given weeks of spotlight. Every channel, every newsshow showed everything about him and his life. He made a triumphmarch out of every trial. And you saw that he really enjoyed it.What a disgusting situation.
So i think, the influence of the media, especially TV, is a major point. All what matters are the numbers of sale and exciting stories and faces, every day. A Star is a Star, no matter if it's a singer or a mass murderer. I don't know if you have this idiom in the US too, but in my opinion, they put oil into the fire.And they're totaly aware of it.
I don't nessisarily like guns, but I have come to the realization that no matter how many gun laws, background checks, and regulations there are, if a criminal wants a gun they are going to get it. Weather they get it from Craigslist, a gun shop, or steal it they can get it and use it no matter what you do to try to stop them. Nowdays you call the police and it takes them 15-30 minutes to respond but only takes a split second for things to go really bad. In some cases that's time you don't have. I own a gun and I hope I never have to use it, but should the need arise I feel better knowing it is there and I have the ability to save lives by taking one.
outskirtscustoms said:
I don't nessisarily like guns, but I have come to the realization that no matter how many gun laws, background checks, and regulations there are, if a criminal wants a gun they are going to get it. Weather they get it from Craigslist, a gun shop, or steal it they can get it and use it no matter what you do to try to stop them. Nowdays you call the police and it takes them 15-30 minutes to respond but only takes a split second for things to go really bad. In some cases that's time you don't have. I own a gun and I hope I never have to use it, but should the need arise I feel better knowing it is there and I have the ability to save lives by taking one.

Ditto, my brother.

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